About the Farm
Cedar Rock Gardens is a 13.5 acre farm located right on Walker Creek in Gloucester, MA. We grow a large variety of vegetables and seedlings on 2.5 acres of land, utilizing crop rotation schedules and cover crops to ensure good soil practices
We sell our vegetables all season long at our retail stand on the farm, deliver weekly orders of fresh produce to local restaurants, and distribute shares of our harvest through our website.
The farm currently has about 12,000 square feet of heated greenhouse space that we grow seedlings and produec in. Our herb, vegetable, and annual and perennial flower seedlings are available in our plant nursery from mid April through September. We start all our herbs and vegetables and some of our flowers from seed, using only organic practices.
We are committed to providing healthy and beautiful local options to our floral and food industry community, and invite anyone to experience the local difference, too.
We follow organic guidelines and use only environmentally-sound, organic growing techniques, fertilizers and pest controls at Cedar Rock Gardens. Though we are not currently certified as USDA Organic, you can rest assured that everything we grow is safe and wholesome, with a freshness that guarantees good nutrition from our produce and the best vase life from our flower bouquets. We very much utilize good agricultural practices with anything grown on our farm beginning with a base of good soil health and employing the use of beneficial insects to eradicate pests without chemical use.
Meet the Farmers
Elise and Tucker Smith started Cedar Rock Gardens from the ground up in 2014. In the past, the land had been used by the Smith family to care for animals, and had sat unused for many years before Elise and Tucker introduced vegetables into the landscape. Slowly and steadily they invested a multitude of hours, and all their savings, to bring to life a vision set on a singular goal: to provide the community with a source for good local and seasonal food, fresh from the native soil.
As the years have gone on many goals have been achieved to make the farm successful and efficient. There have also been setbacks that made for some creative undertakings. The business has transformed from farming crops on our spit of land to really including the whole community in what we are doing. For example, a seedling nursery was added to the mix because it just made sense for folks to be able to reach over their own garden gate for a fresh tomato or a bundle of basil they had planted themselves.
Cedar Rock Gardens’ CSA model has been expanded for a few seasons now to include the sale of greens from our greenhouses during the winter months. We are currently not offering a CSA but it will return in the near future.
New tactics are always being thought up to become more efficient and remain conscientious when it comes to stewardship of the soil and the environment.